Problems Managing Your Community's Trash?

Don't worry...

We are here to help you!!



Free Property waste analysis and assessment

Pla-Net Waste Control Service have been helping apartment communities and property management companies. Offering a wide variety of customized waste management solutions. With our programs we help our customers to reduce trash expenses and improve their trash management process.

A waste Control program helps communities to evaluate and audit the current volume of trash generated by your residents and create an internal management program to reduce the cost of handling trash expenses.
Since we are not a trash hauler you are not adding an extra service, instead we will help you to review and maximize the existing ones. As part of our service, we can offer a total free waste assessment to your community and provide a detailed report on how you can save money and at the same time improve your community appearance.

As part of our analysis we create a custom program that will included all the areas of potential saving for your organization. Adding all your services in a single program, will help you to have a single vendor for all your needs, reducing your administrative and maintenance team’s work load.



Customer Service Office Hours:
Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm PST

Office Number:

1 (714) 410-7071


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